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导读 今天数码之家小编天天来为大家解答以上的问题。关于读书的英语作文60词左右,英语作文60词左右相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看...


1、I once saw sunrise. I was very amazing and beautiful. The night before, we lived in the top of mountain. About 4 p.m., we went out of the tent. It was so dark outside that we could not see anything. I was very quiet and seemed that everything was sleeping. About twenty minutes, the sky turned to white slowly. And we can see the outline of mountains. Suddenly, the clouds turned to brighten and slowly, the sun rised slowly. It was red, but after it appeared totally, it became golden. Its light irradiated to everywhere. The sky was totally golden and it was really beautiful.。

